Why is so much breaking at this late stage ?
I'm sure people are going to jump all over this post but…don't shoot the messenger.
2.0 has been worked on since at least July 2008, the 2.0Beta since December 2009.
I have noticed that in the last 4-months there has been a lot of breakages in the daily snapshots, from GUI, to logging, to DNNSEC, WAN, traffic shaper etc. etc. and these issues don't seem to be one off's, but they re-occur.
Its surprising this is still happening in the second half year of a Beta.
Is someone monitoring these issues, and trying to figure out WHY they keep on occurring with monotonous repetition ?
Just asking. No I can't help as I'm not a programming. That doesn't invalidate the question though. I'm sure I'm not the only person wondering about this.
And yes, thanks to all the programmers for the work they are doing. I realize that they don't get all the credit they deserve for the hours they put in.
I have followed this project for years, not programming on the base code but testing/using,
IMO it's the war between rapid snapshots or google beta's.
Also should a programmer use time to test thousand of different configuration with a beta before he commit's a change as the change could potential break another configuration?
It is of course irritating when a reinstall is needed :) but if you have to use a beta there is no need to upgrade all the time. Find a snapshot that works for your setup and stay with it until a new beta version or rc gets released. -
@ sun-sense: Every big change brings unknown output. So if nearly nothing inpredictable happens during a beta-phase of programming something complex like a router-soft, you can be shure, nothing important happens.
I'm glad about this happenings, even if i stay sometimes without any internet, it gets really much better after such phase. Promised!
I love the way things happen here, the programmers are ear (eye) on wishes of the users. Try to find this at cisco…
We've had a number of kernel patch changes over the past 3 weeks getting some final things nailed down, some of which created a wide range of fallout. Should all be fixed now.
I have noticed that in the last 4-months there has been a lot of breakages in the daily snapshots, from GUI, to logging, to DNNSEC, WAN, traffic shaper etc. etc. and these issues don't seem to be one off's, but they re-occur.
Welcome to very active software development and snapshots that automatically build, and open source in general where much of QA is provided by the community (and parts of which that we do have to wait for a snapshot run). You're wrong that the same problems recur, they don't, the same symptoms on occasion do. Don't use snapshots if you don't want to see breakage. Snapshot users (including us) are effectively the QA of open source projects, if you don't want to take part in that, don't use them.
I agree… In general I prefer agile methodologies since they tend to be more flexible and move faster overall. If this would have been a traditional project you would not have had access to any 2.0 BETA, until maybe mid next year. I much rather prefer this approach where things get done rapidly and we see evolutionary changes frequently rather than revolutionary changes infrequently.
If you watch the bug reports, you'd noticed that some of the "breakage" comes when trying to fix other bugs that have been in the list for ages. Sometimes progress comes with growing pains, but in the end it gets worked out. I agree there has been a bit more breakage than usual over the past couple weeks but each thing that broke was an attempt to fix a different issue.
As often happens with such wide-reaching projects, it may work OK in our testing but fails for users in certain specific configurations. We can't possibly test every combination of configuration possibilities out there, which is where the testing help from the community is really appreciated.
There is always a little bit of danger with snapshots. I usually load one up in a VM and make sure it functions well for certain key things I need before attempting to upgrade my real hardware firewall.