Squid Returned to Packages *** PLEASE TEST ***
Fixed, thanks!
Possible add to squid package log-rotation?
For instance in the manner of list (element-select)
-monthly -
Possible add to squid package log-rotation?
For instance in the manner of list (element-select)
-monthlyPatches accepted.
just installed squid and find it to be quite nice. The interface is completely different from what I expected. Not as powerful as I would like it to be. Probably cause I am used to webmin.
Anyway, some of the features I needed are not in the gui. Can I port over my own squid.conf and apply it there? I understand I won't be able to edit the squid.conf later using the gui. I am okay with that as I can edit the file manually. Will that work?
Yes You can edit squid.conf manually But don't run gui after - conf will rewrited
If you want to write your own conf files, just edit the squid.sh file in /usr/local/etc/rc.d/squid.sh
Add the startup flag to point to the squid.conf that you write yourself.
The webgui won't work for changes anymore, but you won't get your conf file rewritten every time the box restarts either.
Also, webmin runs on a pfsense machine
pkg_add -r webmin
run setup.pl instead .sh
Boom, you have webmin. -
Boom probably is a good word for it, I wouldn't use webmin to change anything, but you can if you want…hehe
I'm having trouble with setting up mac filtering, I was wondering if that option was included in the "return" of squid?
On transparent mode squid blocked access to (from php to self system), but access trought LAN ip worked. It's bug or no?