Forum whishes
These I think I already sent to CMB over PM.
But I'm quite sure his PM box should be full already and he might have missed them.
So I decided to post here in the forum as well.1-For those who are newcomers and have a problem or possible bug, they should perhaps post their XML config file so that developpers can take a look at it. But on the other hand he/she will be jeperdising their security by posting the config file on the internet.
So I think the developpers should post a sticky with explicit instructions of what to post (and what should not be posted) with a couple of examples so that people don't make a MAJOR mistake ;).2-Another sticky should be available with the newest build number of pfSense as well as a change log and the download links.
The change log and the dl links might just point to pfSense's site downloads section ;).Cheers guys
1-For those who are newcomers and have a problem or possible bug, they should perhaps post their XML config file so that developpers can take a look at it. But on the other hand he/she will be jeperdising their security by posting the config file on the internet.
So I think the developpers should post a sticky with explicit instructions of what to post (and what should not be posted) with a couple of examples so that people don't make a MAJOR mistake ;).A basic bug reporting screen is already in HEAD and should be RFC'd once I finish up the server bits and test. This will automatically give us a description of the bug and important information about the user's system.
Thanks colin ;).
Make sure you keep us updated :).
Cheers -
This will automatically give us… important information about the user's system.
Are there plans to include a description of the data being transmitted for privacy's sake? Or perhaps a series of selections of what to include so us more paranoid users can make sure we approve of what we're sending off?
The intent for this kind of function will be to let the user decide if he want to enable: "sending allways", "never send" or "ask me each time".
As for what kind of info to allow or not will be up to what's in the bug report. This will offcource differ depending on the error. -
Are there plans to include a description of the data being transmitted for privacy's sake? Or perhaps a series of selections of what to include so us more paranoid users can make sure we approve of what we're sending off?
The form will currently send the user's (sanitized) config.xml and rules.debug files. I will make a note to allow that function to be turned off or on.
The bug reporter panel is now fully enabled in HEAD and should be MFC'd soon.