Redirect outbound http & https traffic
Is pfSense capable of redirecting outbound web traffic ? I'd like to use dansguardian/squid as a transparent filtering proxy, but as there's no support for DG within pfSense itself, I guess I'll have to redirect all my outbound traffic through a seperate box to do the filtering, but I can't find any way of achieveing this with the standard pfsense rules.
Anyone able to educate me ?
BTW I did search the forum as I think I may have seen something similar to this in the past, but couldn't find the post, so apologies if it's been answered before.
I'm not sure it can be done as standard option but you could always use the gateway option on a rule and use another interface to another subnet on which the DG box is located, you can then even have a fallback to the default gateway in case the DG box is down.
You can use port forwards for that. Interface LAN, source and dest as desired, target of the proxy server and its port.