Drop session when use over limit data usage
Hi All,
We have pfsense uses external radius server(freeradius).
We have question below
use1 is allowed to use only 1Gb of data usage, so user1 is surfing the web …... then reach the limit of 1GB -> radius will send command to pfsense to drop user1 session at that time (logout user).
Anyone could help what command we send from radius server to pfsense so that pfsense will drop user session automatically? any advise?
Couldn't you use Reauthentication every minute? Then you don't have to send anything, pfSense will check if the user still has access, otherwise disconnect the user.
OOh thanks I miss that point, it's very closed but I cannot see. Thank alot I will try.
Couldn't you use Reauthentication every minute? Then you don't have to send anything, pfSense will check if the user still has access, otherwise disconnect the user.