yes exact - dhcp leases page :)
i have pfsense 2.0 beta 5 built on Wed Jan 12 23:13:34 EST 2011
and i have configured 12 machines - all are offline on status page from woL
(they are online !!! )and when i ping they change status to online
i not wanted to test, if essetial function wake up functionally ;)
i want that the machines shows the correct status ;)p.s. and when i have ping a machines of twelve..the pc looses dhcp lease and show status off after few minutes :(
but i have they configured with static ips and in dhcp leases shows me a dhcp pool adress for the machine :( ?
make i something wrong?
have they configured to dhcp - not static ips?thanks for help
DHCP leases file online/offline is done by ARP cache so probably the machine hasn't done anything in a while, and when you ping it, it has an ARP entry again.
It's not a bug, it's a feature :)
ahhh ok thats right! :)
arp messaging between pfsense and client machine…
but how can me shows the correct status of machines for wake on lan on status page from pfsense - everytime???
this are render clients....they have yet nothing to do!
but after two weeks, i remember not if they are on or off
and then i want to start they via status page in pfsense WakeonLAN
but without correct status of machine....its really heavy ;) :( -
You could ping all the leases before we display the table, although that would slow it down, especially on large pools.
if you want something quick 'n dirty:
for i in `seq 1 254`; do ping 10.0.0.$i -c1; done
what this ?
where can i integrate this function?
i used it on terminal on pfsense without access :(
i dont check it! :(
how you can see in wakeonlan status page, inactive clients?
inactive = power on but nothing to do
how you differentiate power on (nothing to do for WakeOnLan) and power off cleints (please start me with wakeonlan :))??????
In the webinterface, there is no way to see if a client is online, but no doing anything on the network, because it doesn't actively probe for active IP.
A workaround would be to have a shorter DHCP lease, shorter than your ARP cache timeout (if you use DHCP for the clients). Or have some other data going to keep the ARP table updated.
yeah!!! ok!
thanks SeventhSon !!!i am new interessting on wol ;) sorry for that!
i use static ips for my wol clients, but how can i keep my arp table updated with other data???
thanks for answer
nobody knows…. :)
how managed by you?
when you dont know, if machines have nothing to do or they are really power off ;) ???
how and where can i something modify?
You can change the DHCP-lease-time at "Services" - "DHCP-Server". There you have "Default lease time" and "Maximum Lease time". Set one of them to a short time.
Other resolution is a cron-job which pings all of your machines from time to time. (Not the best method, but will work too) -
yeah thanks man!
thanks thanks thanls … thats cool, my clients are online for longer than 5 minutes ;)