Dynamic DNS NAT Fails from LAN
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question.
I have a dynamic dns setup and use it to easily connect to services at my house from work. In the past, I have used a NAT to make the firewall rules and forward ports as necessary. This works perfectly from outside my network. The thing that I can't seem to figure out is how to allow the use of the dynamic dns from the LAN.
For example: From outside the network, webpage.dyndns.org:8080 works perfectly.
From the LAN, webpage.dyndns.org:8080 returns a 404 error code.
Any ideas on how to make this work?
NAT reflection may help, so long as your router gui isn't on the same port that you're trying to forward/reflect.
Or you could add a DNS override entry under Services > DNS Forwarder that points webpage.dyndns.org to your internal web server's IP.
I'll give NAT Reflection a try.
I'm trying out Amahi, which wants to act as your DNS/DHCP server. Once I disabled DHCP on Pfsense, my override stopped working as well. It may be something that I have to figure out in Amahi, but this is worth a shot.
NAT Reflection seems to work perfectly! Do I lose anything for having that box unchecked?
Thanks again!
Nothing terribly wrong with using NAT Reflection for a couple ports here and there. It just doesn't scale well for larger purposes.