Sequential Port Mapping
OK, Here's what I need to do and I'm hoping there's a sleek way to do it. I need to create sequential port mapping for ICA connections here's the example
I need to forward from the wan
WANIP:8060 to internal
WANIP:8061 to internal
WANIP:8062 to internal
WANIP:8109 to internal
WANIP:8110 to internal know howto setup individual rules to accomplish this, but I need to do this for a couple different local ports (not just 1494) on two interfaces and I don't want to manually have to add a few hundred rules to accomplish it.
Any help is appreciated.
my pfsense box is running version 1.2-RELEASE
You can use aliases to keep the firewall rules to a much smaller set, you'll need a lot of port forward entries though, no way around that.
Thanks for the suggestion,
The firewall's not as big an issue, I just created a pass rule on that port for the whole LAN subnet.It's really the port forwarding entries that are a PITA
You could download the config.xml, look for the NAT part and copy/paste as many entries as you need.