CD-ROM Error?
I downloaded the new version of pfSense about an hour ago checksum'd it and burned it to a CD-RW.
When I put the CD-ROM in the drive, it goes through the normal POST until it tries to read the CD.
This prints:
Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM
1 FD System Type-(00)
Boot ErrorIt just sits there.
Not sure what is wrong? Is there any other ways to install pfSense without the CD?
The machine specs are:
Pentium Pro 200S
2 GB + 3 GB HDD
3 network cards (1 D-Link, 2 Realtek)
1 Generic CD-ROM DriveAny help would be appreciated!
You can try if it boots up if the boot was initiated by floppy:
I have an old Inteboard with a Pentium Pro 200 too and it wont boot the livecd directly. However the bootdisk initiates the CD launch fine and I can install it without further issues.If this doesn't help try a different CD-ROM. FreeBSD6 sometimes doesn't like older drives.
If everything fails install the harddisk in another machine and move it over to the PPRO after it was installed successfully.
I also got similar problem. Yesterday and this morning the system can boot from cd properly (tried that many times), but now suddenly it refuses to boot. The strange thing is I tried to put linux instalation or live CD it can boot fine.. ??? I also tried to put the pfsense CD into another 1-u server with slim cd rom and it also refuses to boot from pf sense. I also tried to burn again the ISO image to another cd with 4x speed and still cant boot. I'll try the boot disk method,
btw off topic, how do I write the boot disk using linux from command line? I dont have access to a windows PC with floppy drive installed.
btw off topic, how do I write the boot disk using linux from command line? I dont have access to a windows PC with floppy drive installed.
Use the dd command:
dd if=/path/to/pfsense/bootdisk/binary of=/dev/fda