SquidGuard Proxyfilter SafeSearch
Good morning,
i have some trouble with my proxyfilter squidguard.
the strict google safe filter, worked after my opinion, not correctly.
i cant search porn and fuck - this is correct
but i can search sex….and some morei remember, in pfsense 1.2.3 squidguard, i cant search sex!
could it be, that squid has cache this site/search result....?
To protect your children from adult content, you can use the protected mode of search engines. Now it is supported by Google, Yandex, Yahoo, MSN, Live Search. Make sure that the search engines can, and others, it is recommended to prohibit. Note: ! This option overrides 'Rewrite' setting. !
only google worked for me by some expressions…yahoo and msn not :(
have someone experienced similar?
Check Googe Settings strong and test as is you queries. Probably this is a google problem.
jo right!
i have open a toppic at google forum….
until now google support not answer…...
what is with yahoo?
yahoo strict filter does not work....
this is a pfsense problem...strict are not activated, when you configured this in proxyfilter ;)keep you up to date....
until now google support not answer…...
what is with yahoo?
yahoo strict filter does not work....
this is a pfsense problem...strict are not activated, when you configured this in proxyfilter ;)keep you up to date....
When these rules were added to the package - everything worked fine. Possibly at Yahoo have changed the conditions - it takes time for inspection.
You can change /usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc
function squidguard_adt_safesrch_add($rewrite_item) { if (!is_array($rewrite_item)) $rewrite_item = array(); # Google $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/search?.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i'); $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/images.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i'); $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/groups.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i'); $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(google\..*/news.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&safe=active', F_MODE => 'i'); # Yandex $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(yandex\..*/yandsearch?.*text=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&fyandex=1', F_MODE => 'i'); # Yahoo # here $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.yahoo\..*/search.*p=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&vm=r', F_MODE => 'i'); $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.yahoo\..*/search.*p=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&v=1&vm=r', F_MODE => 'i'); # MSN Live search $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.live\..*/.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&adlt=strict', F_MODE => 'i'); $rewrite_item[] = array(F_TARGETURL => '(search\.msn\..*/.*q=.*)', F_REPLACETO => '\1\&adlt=strict', F_MODE => 'i'); return $rewrite_item; }
thank you!!!