PPPoe configuration help..????
Hi i have already been using pfsense for the past two months and it is coming ok with my PPPoe connection with our ISP provider here without any static connection. Now the problem i have requested on them to give us a dedicated IP for our connection and it is coming very smooth without the pfsense connected, now they have set it up and gave me a dedicated IP address,subnet and gateway and as i have checked it on my router (Thomson TG685) i can see it from there. Now the problem everytime i connect my pfsense in this network my router always disconnecting, please help what setting or how will i configure my pfsense router to run in this network. My users now are all freely using the net without any firewalls and it is giving me now headeache.
Set modem to bridge mode ,or pppoe pass through ,pppoe relay wont work ,is the pfsense box carrying out the
pppoe authentication ?. -
Before what i am doing with the pfsense pc i just follow how the router were configured, i am using PPPOe settings from pfsense pc configuration and does give me internet access for all the users passing thru the pfsense, now i am really not sure what settings or configuration should i be set on the pfsense pc. If anyone could give me an idea what configuration should i be setting on the pfsense to follow or to coordinate with my ISP provider router to coordinate and not to everytime disconnecting the router. i am newbie with pfsense but i found it really useful and very reliable firewall