Unbound not working on new snap - WebIF dies
Today i updated to FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE-p2 #1: Thu Feb 3 18:52:16 EST 2011 (i386) and encountered first, that internal hostnames are not resolved.
Logs didn't show any entries respect unbound excepting the php-message about the reinstall.
Looking at the unbound-servicepage, it looked normal. But when i tried to get the "Unbound Status page" the whole web-IF stalled. So the page never gets loaded, nor other reaction from the web-IF.
Now outside names aren't resolved any more too.
Looking via ssh at the logs: nothing. No entries at the systemlog. Last entry at the unbound-log is "info: start of service (unbound 1.4.8)restarting the webconfigurator didn't help. I had to restart the whole pfSense-box.
After restarting pfSense, i went to the unbound-page and klicking "save" resulted in another death of Web-IF and name-resolving. Rest is working as expected.
well, use old snap then …
it work for some reason ...im sure dev on hard working now ...
keep good job for dev