Dynamic DNS - DNS Made Easy
I have just updated to 2.0 Beta 5 today.
I was using the custom dynamic DNS configuration for DNS Made Easy as posted here…
... but this approach does not appear to work with 2.0.
Are there any plans to add DNS Made Easy to the list of supported providers?
Figured it out, one additional file needs to be updated:
$types = explode(",", "DNS-O-Matic, DynDNS (dynamic),DynDNS (static),DynDNS (custom),DHS,DyNS,easyDNS,No-IP,ODS.org,ZoneEdit,Loopia,DNSMadeEasy,freeDNS, DNSexit, OpenDNS, Namecheap");
$vals = explode(" ", "dnsomatic dyndns dyndns-static dyndns-custom dhs dyns easydns noip ods zoneedit loopia dnsmadeeasy freedns dnsexit opendns namecheap");It would be great if this could be added to future builds. I've attached the files that were changed.
services_dyndns_edit.php.txt -
One last fix to correct the log entries based on DNS Made Easy's server responses. File attached.
I have not figured out how to upload a patch so would someone be able to assist with this?
Sounds good to me, I use DNS Made Easy for several customers and love them, though I've never needed so far to use their dynamic DNS services. Hopefully a developer will open a bug and fix this in the next few days; if they don't get to it soon you or I can file a bug report for it at Redmine it's pretty straightforward and you should be able to create an account and post basically what you did on the forum, as it's a simple change.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have opened a new feature request on the Redmine bug tracker site.
It looks like Matt Corallo is working on a better approach to allow custom dyndns to be entered into the GUI. http://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/1241