Squid/Lightsquid Internal DNS Resolver for logs
I have read the forums around on being able to resolve ip's that are used in squid and lightsquid to an internal DNS, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly (may be lack of sleep).
System setup at home includes:
Cable Modem -> pfSense -> LAN Switch -> Server (2k8 r2)
| |–-----> Rest of internal network
|------> WRLS Switch -> AP for guest access
|------> DMZ Switch -> SlingboxDNS's by device:
pfSense: DynDNS (;
Server: pfSense (
Clients: server ( think I am supposed to just use the dns setting on squid (as seen below in attached picture), but am unsure which ones I am supposed to change to what to not get an endless loop by my network. I tried just setting the server forwarder to the dyndns servers, then I was unable to connect to the pfsense webgui. I am just kinda confused.
EDIT: Modified diagram. If it helps running this on a soekris 5501-70 w/hd. No managed switches.
I still have a problem resolving names. I have tried multiple ways that have been posted in the forum. I am pretty sure I am getting a DNS loop. All I want is the lightsquid log to resolve the static ip's that I have on my internal network/dns.
same here. Tried several hints that are floating around here with no luck. Seems there is no way at the moment. :(
I wish someone would help me out with getting this setup. Does anyone know?
Is there anyone that can help me get this setup on 2.0?