Simple vpn site to site
Simple site to site vpn
Hi, I have a simple site to site vpn (IPSEC). My pfsense (1.23) configuration:
1-Wan (VPN)
3-lanVpn is running on Wan and I want only the vpn on this interface.
I want all others traffics on opt1 interface
I'd like to know if I can use this in the my first firewall rule :
Interface = Lan
Source = Lan Net
Proto = any
destination = any
proto = any
gateway = opt1 gatewayIs this right, all traffic will go to the opt1 ? Do I need more rules?
How vpn is on wan, do I need some rule or all traffic will be redirect to wan interface? -
change destination to !
Thank you !
As I had not thought of that!
Is it necessary to create a 2nd ruleSource = Lan Net
destination = remote Lan
gateway = Wan gatewayOr
How ipsec is running on wan, all packages sent to remote lan always will be redirected to wan?
IPSEC being set up will handle the routing properly between the two protected subnets.