NAt port forward problems
I think I have the rule for nat set correctly.
When I try it times out. When I check the log for the firewall I see my IP from MY PF box V1.2.3 and a totally different port blocked and this port seems to change at .
Running the Feb 17 snap. on the other PF box , I have access to it via static route between the two on the OPT1 nic.
I think, you did something wrong with the SOURCE PORT.
Look at the hint which you can see under the fields.Generally the source port is randomly chosen and so you have to put "any" there.
And if DESTINATION IP and REDIRECT IP is equal, why do you use NAT ?
If you like to connect from the internet to a server behind your pfsense, the DESTINATION IP is the WAN Adress and the REDIRECTION IP is the IP of the server.
It would be much easier for us if you could give us some more information of what you are trying to realize.
Well I have run PF 1.2.3 for 3 years now and Monowall 2 years before that. I have setup hundreds of port forwards and this is the first time I have had a problem.
The extra settings are confusing.
I want to hit Http://XX.XX.XX.XXX:8025/zm for a zoneminder camera system. On 1.2.3 setting this up took 30 seconds
I want port :8025 forwarded too an address on the lan Same port number to get through nat and same port used on the lan.Setting the source port to any does not make sense! The old version was simple .
If some one could post a screen shot of how this is done on 2.0 I think I could figure it out.
Thanks -
Ok Now I think I got it ,,,, case of too much info . Not enough coffee!
This way works