Instalar FTP no PFSENSE
Precsio much install FTP in pfSense, but I do not know how to do this, I have almost no knowledge of linux.
Can anyone help me? -
You want to run an FTP server on pfSense? Or a client?
PfSense already includes an ssh server so you can use SCP to move files to and fro.
Oh and pfSense is based on FreeBSD not Linux. :P
So I know that in pfsense has a built-in FTP client, but not consgio unpack it. I've read several tutorials, but as I lay on linux does not get any result.
What I need is a walkthrough of how to install pfsense on an ftp, prceciso very much.Thank you very much attention.
I'm afraid I'm still not understanding you very well. :(
You may wish to try posting in the section of the forum for your native language. Italian?
If you want to install an FTP server on pfSense, it can be done but it's not easy and it's very bad for security.
Minha lingua nativa e Português do Brazil.
caso você saiba como fazer por favor me fale. -
Brazilian, my apologies for mistaking you for Italian. :-[
Have a look [url=,12.0.html]here.