Block Proxy List
dear all
i try to config my office router(pfsense) and it work perfect
but now i have a problem to bound:
some person use the proxy list (ex: port:3128) and recure my squeid and other filtering in my policy.
please help me to resolve it
How you users access to ext proxy? Via squid ?
they set it in intenet explorer==>tools==>internet options==>connections==>lan settings and set it in proxy server
for example set port:3128
they dont have access to the internet in working time,
just they can use outlook and some sites in the working time.
please give me a way to resolve this problem. -
You rule with allowed ports - a hole
You allow connect to any sites via allowed ports. This is for ext. proxies too -
i just open the pop3/imap/smtp and ftp port and 80
but they use another port
pfsense must close another port