Default gateway not created during Setup wizard
I installed v2.0 RC1 from scratch as repeated try to upgrade 1.2.3 resulted in a screwed up state (some sort of NIC mismatch, but that doesn't matter now, I went for a clean install).
I suppose that after one goes through the basic Setup wizard he should get functional 2-NIC router (the most typical configuration). This doesn't happen in the case of RC1. I was confused why the only IP I could ping was the WAN subnet GW. Then I starred on the Gateway drop-down box in "Interfaces: WAN", the only thing I saw there was "None" and a good advice "If this interface is an Internet connection, select an existing Gateway from the list or add a new one."
OK, why not, but how the hell to achieve that? Finally (after I left two "internet down" reports on my ISP's answering machine ;D) I found the gateway was hidden in "System" -> "Routing". I setup the GW, assigned it to my WAN interface and it finally works (now I think it's too easy to find Gateway configuration page in Routing, I recommend to move it somewhere more unlikely to look for, like "Services: UPnP & NAT-PMP" or "Help" -> "Paid Support" ;D)
A few minutes ago I found out the "add a new one" phrase is an active link - please change its color or underline it, it's hardly distinguishable from other text.
Funny evening. :) But anyway, RC1 looks great and I'm looking forward to learn its new possibilities.
I fixed the gateway issue after RC1 went out. be OK on new snapshots.