Wrap CPU 100%
I've installed pfsense latest version from the frontpage on a wrap board with 3 nic.
I doing dual wan with loadbalancer.Everything is working except that the CPU goest to 80-100% very ofter causing very high pings.
Top is telling me that it's the php process eating all myCPU.I tried device polling and it's the same thing.
Is anyone experiencing this ? What's the fix?
Charles.Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=126
Reply from bytes=32 time=16ms TTL=126
Reply from bytes=32 time=2095ms TTL=126
Reply from bytes=32 time=1380ms TTL=126
Reply from bytes=32 time=3328ms TTL=126
Reply from bytes=32 time=2217ms TTL=126
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=126 -
how much load is on this box
average traffic flow.we have seen a decrease in cpu and ram on 6.2 over 6.1
on wrap boards -
when testing I was the only one connected.
where's 6.2 ?
I just tried uploading that firmware upgrade to my WRAP board and it said
"The following input errors were detected:
The uploaded image file is not for this platform (embedded). "
I am currently running the 12-23-2006 snapshot. It rejected the 1-22-2007 firmware.
You need to reflash for the embedded images.
Sorry… coming from a m0n0wall world.... But why is the option there?
Sorry… coming from a m0n0wall world.... But why is the option there?
The option is there for full updates. Our target is larger hardware.
I used to run on the wrap platform, but I've since graduated to VIA C7 1.5 GHz hardware. Not much more power draw, and you get A LOT more performance. The wraps really are only useful for low user no QoS or only shaping on a 4mbit or lower line.
You add a torrent or anything to load the wrap and it will lag like crazy.
It just doesn't have enough umph. It's hardly a 586 class processor in those things and the memory bandwidth is minimal. You're lucky to get 1 connection 20-30 MB/s on one with no shaping.
Which VIA C7 mobo did you buy that has two NIC's? Is there a particular case you recommend? I would be looking for something small and quiet sort of like the typical WRAP cases out there. www.mini-itx.com is no help because its soo big.
RobertI used to run on the wrap platform, but I've since graduated to VIA C7 1.5 GHz hardware. Not much more power draw, and you get A LOT more performance. The wraps really are only useful for low user no QoS or only shaping on a 4mbit or lower line.
You add a torrent or anything to load the wrap and it will lag like crazy.
It just doesn't have enough umph. It's hardly a 586 class processor in those things and the memory bandwidth is minimal. You're lucky to get 1 connection 20-30 MB/s on one with no shaping.
Have a look at http://pfsense.com/index.php?id=40
Some of them sell small form factor low power units like:
http://linitx.com/index.php?cPath=4 -
My rigs are as follows:
Phylon 7F2WE-1G5 Mini-ITX Mainboard (Although the 1.2 Ghz can be had without a fan)
Phylon 3x 1Gb LAN module AD3RTLANG
http://www.logicsupply.com/index.php/cPath/78_721GB of Kingston DDR2-533
1GB Kingston 50x Elite Pro Compact Flash
Casetronic C159 Rackmount Mini-ITX Case ATX
Casetronic C137 Mini-ITX Case - Black - 120Wand the appropriate compact flash to ide adapter that fits each case.
Either allow you have a compact flash card front accessible on the system.
I've got this running with the latest December snapshot beautifully, up since before new years with 100 clients, and a 10 MB connection. 1GB routing between the DMZ and LAN.
Look likes I bought this and it won't do what I want.
I bought this because everyone was saying it was able to pull 30mbits.I only have 2x 2mbits connections and I wanted to loadbalance.
Nothing else.Can I remove stuff manually to make it faster ?
You shouldn't have issues with these speeds on a wrap. What additional services do you run? Something must be causing this unnormal load. Any chance that you run captive portal on it?
No, captive portal is off.
I'll try 6.2 and let you know.
What revision of wrap board and how much memory does it have? Some of the older 64mb wraps have irq sharing problems (ie all the chips are on the same irq).
And those are not supported anyway as they only have 64 mb RAM.