No Serial Console Menu
I can see the serial console verbose at boot, but once it reaches "Bootup complete" there is no menu to reset firewall or do any other kind of configuration if needed. Tried changing speeds, settings, etc, no improvements.
2.0-RC1 (i386)
built on Wed Mar 23 01:24:24 EDT 2011 -
I've had this problem for a long time. Never found a solution but have asked on here in the past… It happened to 1 of the 11 pfSense firewalls I admin.
It used to work with version 1.2 and early versions of 2.0, I've tried reinstalling clean and nothing. This is the only backdoor in the event of failure or misconfiguration to do a factory reset if needed.
I ahve a Firebox X500 running latest build of 2.0
The box boots up and works fine.
The console give me info only during the boot process.
At the end I get the message "boot complete" and after that nothing.If you ssh in to the box and log in, you get the console menu– but you never get it on the COM console,
and the COM console does not respond to keyboard input of any kind....but
that's the only thing that doesn't work.Is there a solution to resolv this problem?
Nobody? I would like to have serial console access too after pfsense in booted up.
Are you on full installs with the serial console box checked under options?
When I enable it, I get the menu on both serial and the console, though the boot messages from pfSense only go to the serial (FreeBSD boot messages go to both).
yes, full install and checkbox checked, but serial console is just … dead.
During boot it work, but not after. -
Any change if you disable the serial console, reboot, then enable it, and reboot again?
It all "just works" for me, at a glance, I don't see how that would work for some parts and not others.
On the full installs I've tested I need to change dailup to cons25 in /etc/ttys
I suppose whether or not these were fresh installs or upgrades from 1.2.3 might make a difference.
I never had to do anything manually on this VM, it's always Just Worked(TM).
Well, this is a clean install and upgraded to latest snapshot. I tried disable serial console, reboot, enable serial console, reboot, but still nothing. After the message "Bootup Complete" it's dead silence, no console menu is shown.
what does your /etc/ttys file look like on the line for ttyu0
neither of which is ttyu0… :)
so i have to change it to ttyu0 and uncomment that line ?
No, you need both of those lines, but there should be a whole set of ttyu <x>lines in there too.
I have this under the ttyv <x>part:
# Serial terminals # The 'dialup' keyword identifies dialin lines to login, fingerd etc. ttyu0 "/usr/libexec/getty bootupcli" cons25 off secure ttyu1 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" dialup off secure ttyu2 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" dialup off secure ttyu3 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" dialup off secure ```</x></x>
I added those and still nothing :-\
Hi all pfsensors,
I'm facing the same issue as you on my pfsense.
My pfsense box which is a watchguard Firebox X700 is actually running the embedded pfsense v1.2.3.
With this release of pfsense, serial console is working perfectly.I would like to migrate to pfsense 2.0 RC1 and the serial console menu is not displayed.
In the Web GUI, the serial interface is checked but nothing after "Bootup Complete" message.I'm running the Embedded kernel version in order to redirect the console output on serial interface and the ttys config file is all commented after install.
So I modified the file to make the following line active (removed the sharp at the beginning of the line):
ttyu0 "/usr/libexec/getty PC" cons25 on secureUnfortunately, serial console still doesn't display the menu :'(
SSH menu is working well but in case of mistake in configuration, the serial link is the best way to get back control on the system so I would like this link to work.
If anybody has an idea to make it work, it would be nice.
Thanks for your help.
I have the same problem on my Firebox X700 and pfSense 2.0 RC3. I am unable to activate the serial console through webinterface or by using ssh and editing /etc/ttys.
Boot messages are shown on serial console so cabling and everything else should be ok.