MultiWan with Web Server Question
Hi All,
I have a question which hope somebody explain to me.
If i have a dual wan 20mbps updown / 20mbps updown. Can i load balance it to 40MBPS updown with pfsense? Some said it possible some said not.
If can how about web server with pfsense. Am i supposed to assign different isp public ip to a same domain? If so does it mean became dns round robin?
My question maybe not clear enough to you, hope somebody understand what i try to mean. Really appreciate it. My objective is simple i want to handle high traffic and fail over web service.
You can do it if you can do MLPPP.
There are ways to do MLPPP with an ISP…
There are services that will do MLPPP for you after your ISP(s) but with added routes and latency... and usually their equipment.
If you don't do some form of MLPPP then your left to load balancing. While you can theoretically transfer the full speed, but it would only be while transferring from multiple sources to multiple destinations. Never the same file transfer... Make sense?
Yes it make sense. Thanks for your explanation. Cheers.