Strange Issue with RRD Graphs…
When looking at traffic on WAN I look down the graphs and look at total for period and it goes up for each one…except for the last one...18 months
For the two months graph it has: 120.52 GB
For 18 months it has: 119.11GBIs this a bug or am I missing something?
Also I use this to make sure I keep my usage down as my ISP has been known to boot people who use too much even though they won't tell you how much is too much. I am not thinking I am even close right now, but like to keep an eye on my usage.
So...Is there a way I could put a one month graph in there?
looks like I'm the only one that has this issue eh?
The author of the code is away Skiing. Patience, please…
No rush…I just thought maybe others were seeing the same thing.
I'll check back in periodically to see if there are any updates.