Develpment ISO corresponding to pfSense-Full-Update-HEAD.tgz
The most recent development ISO of Dec 7, 2006 is of pfsense v1.01. Is there one that corresponds to pfSense-Full-Update-HEAD.tgz of Jan 22, 2007? The system complains if you install the IS0 then upgrade the pfsense to the Head. Would someone be so kind as to supply me the direct link? My objective is to allow pfsense to loadbalance with Dynamic gateways. -
The development ISO was re-installed to the Hard Disk. The pfSense-Full-Update-HEAD.tgz of Jan 22, 2007 was installed via the Webconfigurator after waiting for 6 HOURS for the ISO to complete its decompression and upgrade its own ??. The HEAD upgrade for development takes a lot longer than a normal Snaphsot upgrade. Is this because of the higher debug level the OS is set at for development? It now appears that everything worked as it should except that there was not enough room fro the pfsense-clone directory on the 2.4GB disk! There is still 350MB available.
HEAD is not stable. Use RELENG_1 . That will get you current snapshots.