How to change RRD Quality IP?
How much data/time does it need?
I mean, the graphic is for a full span of 4h and 1min and it already ran for more than 17 hours without meaningful output…
If you collect data for a time frame of 4h then all required data to draw the graph is available after 4h and 1 seconds. If we don't have a graph after 4 to 5 times this frame I assume something broken...
Yeah, that seems a bit excessive. Try clicking save in the Interfaces -> WAN screen.
Try clicking save in the Interfaces -> WAN screen.
Did that already on both currently available boxes. The result is shown above… ;-)
The Senses were rebootet as well.What more can I do/test/report to help you fixing it?
Try to reset the RRD graphs:,1748.msg10114.html#msg10114
OK, I deleted what's in /var/db/rrd and rebooted the machine.
Graphs for 'System', 'Traffic' and 'Packets' are starting from scratch (as expected) but quality isn't built at all any more.And the drop down box only shows 'Allgraphs' and 'Outbound' missing 'Wan' etc…
I can live without the graphs if it's only affecting me but would try to investigate further if others have the same problem!
Delete all the rrd database files. It should recreate everything from scratch on reboot.
Delete all the rrd database files. It should recreate everything from scratch on reboot.
What more should I delete than what's in /var/db/rrd ???
I thought you only deleted the wan rrd graphs like described in the thread I posted. no matter then.
I think I found the solution for RRD Quality gateway ip change with just slightly changing "/etc/inc/" file.
Here is my solution.
1. Open "/etc/inc/" at "Diagnostics -> Edit File" and then find below line.
$monitorip = $config['system']['interfaces'][$ifname]['use_rrd_gateway'];
2. Then, change this line to below and then save it.
$monitorip = $config['interfaces'][$ifname]['use_rrd_gateway'];
3. And open "/cf/conf/config.xml" and add "<use_rrd_gateway>XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX</use_rrd_gateway>" into <interfaces><wan>instead of <system>as like below. And then save.
<use_rrd_gateway></use_rrd_gateway></disableftpproxy></spoofmac></mediaopt></media></mtu></wan>4. Now reboot pfsense and check RRD graph if it works.</interfaces></system></wan></interfaces>
I think I found the solution for RRD Quality gateway ip change with just slightly changing "/etc/inc/" file.
Thanks sbyoon, that did it on my boxes!
The 100% loss part is from an unpingable IP…
Hi sbyoon!
Thanks! Now my quality graphs are working as expected!
Thanks again.
Dear pfSense developers,
Could you correct /etc/inc/ for futur version?
Thank you.
Fixed. Thanks for the detailed thread.
My RRD WAN quality was showing 100% loss I guess because my DSL modem is doing the PPPoE and it is on
PFsense couldn't see the ISP gateway. So using this info here I was able to add the gateway the modem uses to my config.xml and now my RRD quality shows as it should. Guess it would have been simpler to put the modem in bridge mode and not have to do this. But I learned something! ;)