Use local dnsforwarder for pfsense
Is it possible for the pfsense to use the local DNS-cache AND have different DNS-servers to resolve the cache.
To explain:
I have one domain which is resolved by internal DNS outside my controll. And I also want to resolve external-dns.
This seems like no problem with the DNS-cache, I specify the external as PFsense DNS and then add the internal domain in the DNS-forwarder settings.The problem is, the pfsense box cannot use this as it always use the DNS-servers in the config and not the dns-forwarder.
Is there a good solution for this problem?
Joel -
Are you putting the single domain as an entry under the text Below you can override an entire domain by specifying an authoritative dns server to be queried for that domain or did you put it under the first one (single host)?
I have it under "Below you can override an entire domain by specifying an authoritative dns server to be queried for that domain."
To clarify:
Under general settings I have the two DNS-servers my ISP have supplied me with.
Under DNS-forwarder I have put in the local DNS-server of the organization. We can call it
I have put to be resolved by the internal is not on internet.
This way everything seems to work fine from hosts on the inside, but not on the pfsense box itself. On the PFsense box I can only resolv domains from my ISP dnsserver, not the addresses.
Do I do something wrong or is it supposed to be this way?Cheers,
Joel -
The pfSense itself doesn't use the dnsforwarder for lookups. It only uses the DNS configured at system>general.