Squid Transparent + Virtual IP = No HTTPS?
Hello, I started a thread in the Packages section:
However, I'm not certain if this is a Squid issue or a RC1 issue.
Basically, my Squid is set to transparent and I have a Virtual IP for the LAN interface. Clients using the Virtual IP subnet are not able to access HTTPS traffic. However, it works just fine with clients using the real IP subnet of the LAN interface.
I'm on RC1 April 10 (I find this the most stable as of the moment. Ran for 2 weeks no prob except maybe this?)
HTTPS is not proxied transparently, so you are probably missing outbound NAT rules if you are running a second subnet on LAN via IP Alias VIP
HTTPS is not proxied transparently, so you are probably missing outbound NAT rules if you are running a second subnet on LAN via IP Alias VIP
good day jimp thank you for clarifying. currently I'm just using "Automatic outbound NAT rule generation"
what rules should I create and would it be necessary to use Manual Outbound Nat?
HTTPS is not proxied transparently, so you are probably missing outbound NAT rules if you are running a second subnet on LAN via IP Alias VIP
good day jimp thank you for clarifying. currently I'm just using "Automatic outbound NAT rule generation"
what rules should I create and would it be necessary to use Manual Outbound Nat?
Got it, jimp. Setting it to Manual Outbound NAT automatically produced some rules. I just copied them and change the IP Addresses. Also added
Now I have multiple Virtual IP subnets, Squid, Multi-WAn and Load-Balancing in 1 box, working together. Very nice.
Using April 10 RC1.