Is the floppy necessary in PFSense?
I got PFsense running on a PIII 700 with a hard drive which is way too big for the job, but it is what I have. I noticed on the console that an option is to move the configuration to a removeable device. In my case, this is would be a floppy. I get the impression that m0n0wall uses the floppy a lot, but it is really necessary on PFsense? I have backed up the config file through the web interface and at this stage see no benefit in this.
I thought I would post here in case I am missing something.
Since you installed pfSense on the hard drive, the floppy would only be needed for config backups. You don't need it since you download the backup through the webConfigurator to your remote system.
Since you installed pfSense on the hard drive, the floppy would only be needed for config backups. You don't need it since you download the backup through the webConfigurator to your remote system.
That's what I thought… thanks. I'll forget the floppy stuff then.