Using FreeRadius package
Hi guys, congratulations for the new Beta1 release!
I'm doing some tests with the freeradius package, but I cant get info on how to configure it in order to authenticate with captive portal.
I was able to start the freeradius server, it's running now, and it's configured in the captive portal page to process authentications requests, but the users still browse the internet without getting the logon page.
Is anybody get this working right? I was looking at the m0n0 docs, with no luck… I'll apreciate some help here!
Thanks in advance to all you people, and have a happy new year!
Isn't that package marked as broken?
Yes, it is, but since the squid package also is reported as Broken… I decided to give it a try ;)
Anyway, I just want to know if someone else is using it, and which methods exist to check that it is working, thats all.
Well I'll keep working on it to see if I succeed :) and keep the good work team!
here is what i dit to get freeradius working on pfsense beta 1 iso
login on the consul or by ssh on the shell
give these comandscd /usr/local/etc/raddb ls *.sample
you see now a list of files witch had to bechanched to te same name without the .sample
mv acct_users.sample acct_users mv clients.conf.sample clients.conf
do this for all the files
now the last stepee radiusd.conf
look for
pidfile =
chance it to
pidfile = /var/run/
press Ctrl and c
type in exit
now exit agian
when you reboot pfsense
you will see freeradius is now started
and can be used