PfSense as a Recursive DNS Server
My ISP's DNS is sometimes flakey, so I prefer to run my own recursive DNS server rather than rely on theirs.
I didn't see anything on this in the current configuration in pfSense…did I miss something or is it currently not a feature? (I know if it is not there it won't be in 1.0 ;) )
I know I can host it on my own servers but having all of one's core internet infrastructure on the pfSense box is nice...
You're looking for the DNS Forwarder option which looks up IP's in behalf.
I didn't quite follow that…are you saying the option is there or that I want an option that does not exist?
Note I want the DNS on my firewall to do the lookup from the authortative servers itself rather than using the ISPs servers.
I am currently using the forwarder but it goes to my ISP's DNS, which was not my goal :)
Then it sounds like what your looking for is not available. It looks up against whatever servers you tell it to.
You're looking for the DNS Forwarder option which looks up IP's in behalf.
Im not sure if this should be asked here but I didnt want to start a new thread.
Does the dns fowarder caches lookups?
I believe it does.
We use: