Snort Won't Start After Upgrade
What from the standard snort package was not broken may be the snort-dev package (is) didn't you understand? ::) Two weeks ago I could download the standard package and it worked.. no for my freshly flashed device I cannot longer install the standard package just because of some GUI improvements? I thought the snort-dev was for testing.. not the standard one.. we will wait another week or two..
I thought 2.0 is only being put out as a Release Candidate, meaning things like this are to be expected.
It was stated somewhere the RC3 will be almost the final version but this has nothing to do with the snort package itself. For me the snort package worked on a newly installed RC3 but now the package has gone, and I relalized my love was so strong, … ;D
It was stated somewhere the RC3 will be almost the final version but this has nothing to do with the snort package itself. For me the snort package worked on a newly installed RC3 but now the package has gone, and I relalized my love was so strong, … ;D
And how can anyone say that love is wrong :D
I'm with you man, not having snort is painful. Give the dev/maintainer (apologies, not sure which in this case) some time, I think we're in for a really nice treat. -
Sorry for the confusion from my last post. I will try to explain again why its taking so long.
I removed the snort package from pfSense 2.0 because I need no binary conflicts with snort-dev binarries.I have been asked by the senior pfSense devs to make my binaries compile automatically on the servers.
Right now they are compiling with errors and I have to wait until someone that has access to servers can help me.
The senior devs are all busy with a project.Please be patient, I have been working really hard to make the new snort-dev.
Keep up the good work jamesdean!!! :) We all appreciate it!! :)
Keep up the good work jamesdean!!! :) We all appreciate it!! :)
Thanks JD, can't wait!
Also +1
Can't wait!Kind regards
Aubrey Kloppers -
Also +5 ;-)
Cant wait …
Regards and thanks for your excellent work ...
PS: Any idea of a release date ?
You mean ETA :)
Thanks for the update jamesdean. Looking forward to it!
You should put your paypal in your signature so we can donate ;D
Can't wait.. and have already donated :)
snort should be directly integrated in the pfSense image as I can't imagine someone would open any port without using snort.
I wish I could donate, but I'm barely keeping my head above water right now…had two disasters to deal with and waiting for number three... Thanks anyway for all your hard work, James!
Can't wait.. and have already donated :)
snort should be directly integrated in the pfSense image as I can't imagine someone would open any port without using snort.
again any idea of a release date?
without snort it is not a good deal :(
best regards and many thanks for good work
+1 from me.
Can't wait to have it up and running again! -
is there any chance to get a statement, or shall we better go back to the routes with pfsense build within working stable snort package ???
I am afraid we have to ….
is there any chance to get stable snort working again, perhaps by installing over shell ?
i don´t want to wait any longer for the new one because i see no release time !
thanks and best regards
btw: i installed snapshot from June 22th again
I attempted to reinstall snort and the reinstall failed. I am using PF 2.0RC3, updated yesterday. Since the reinstall failed, I don't see any of the snort packages listed in "available" or "installed".
If I understand this thread correctly, at the moment, there is no snort package available at all, stable or dev?