Dual Port PCIe NIC suggestions?
Anyone have suggestions for a Dual port PCIe NIC.
I have bought a couple of intel pci dual port cards off ebay, but they are the extended pci cards. On my new setup, I can't seem to find a board that I like that has room behind the pci slot that will accommodate the long card.Intel Dual port NIC's on ebay are costing 150+USD. Anyone have a cheaper spot to look at for dual port PCIe cards? Or recommend some marvel/realtek cards that are good? I know I have had trouble with both in the past, and I only get ones that other people have had working (supported drivers list does not always mean it will work well).
Suggestions anyone?
Would 10/100 cards do? On eBay I bought some dual 10/100 PCI cards that don't extend very far past the inner edge of the PCI connector. Soekris (http://soekris.com) have some short PCI boards (LAN16x1 and LAN17x1) with 2 or 4 10/100 NICs for under US$100
If 10/100 is not fast enough, depending on your bandwidth requirements, it may be cheaper to buy a single port GigE PCIe card and use a VLAN capable switch as a "port multiplier" for it than to buy a multiport card.
10/100 is enough for me. Any hints on model numbers for the short dual pci cards that are working for you? I don't see intel dual port nic's on ebay at reasonable prices, or they are what i have (long pci).
Broadcom cards working good for you?So far I agree with you. Buy single pci/pcie cards. That or find a board that accepts the pci-x card.
Looked at seokris.com, but dual port is already 100usd with shipping. At that price I am already getting close to a used intel pcie card on ebay.
Lots to consider. Just wondering what others are doing. Guess most people just use onboard nics, and add a single card at most.
How about eBay items 140564224715 200582640566 230599638849 or 270751893645 Some (but not all) of these appear to use Intel NICs.
You are right. Since I don't need GB lan, the real way to go is dual pci intel boards.
I'll stick with that philosophy for the next year or so, and then re-evaluate. I think I just had to accept the pci boards until pcie comes down in price.
Thanks for the feedback!