SQUID 2.7 First Level Dirctorys Question
Hi first at all,
i have some math problems with first level squid cache directories!
My Hardrive is a 1TB Volume
937 GB accessableand i want squid give 500GB for Caching
Objekt standart size is 15 Kbyte
L2 Directories standart value is 256L1= (500.000.000/15) /256) /265) x2 = ca 1K
is this normal and right value or has squid not htinking about 1TB Volumes?
THANKS for any help
p.s. i have always set 16 L1 Directories (standart), but i want to optimized this for a little bit more speed! -
this squid link tutorial is NOT corect!!!
i had a 500gb cache with maximum_object_size to 5GB !!! THIS WORKS GOOD FOR ME!!!
i had cache to test 4gb iso image from debian http page - ALWAYS WORKS!!!
anyone help?
All human use L1=16 ? :)