Not more than 2 queues at pfSense2.0-RC3-AMD64???
hi guys,
I have been very happy using pfSense 1.2.3 for years so reading that 2.0 is RC already I decided to give it a try - even if it's just to help you locating bugs.
Compared to 1.2.3 this version is booting faster and the webinterface is faster as well so I guess you guys are on the right path…But unfortunateley I had some issues:
Contacting my DynDNS-domain from within my LAN (unsing NAT-reflection) works fine for TCP but not for UDP. This can be repaired in a rough-and-ready way by defining a general redirection from the DynDNS-domain to my lan-server in the DNS-forwarder but using reflection would be a cleaner solution for my scenario cos this way it's impossible to spread several services to different IPs within my LAN. I already mentioned this problem in this thread.
I defined several queues via the wizard and assigned traffic to them with floating rules. This works fine for my p2p-queue, catching all traffic from one IP running the torrent-client within my lan. But the creation of any further rules are ignoed. Even copying this working p2p-rule, changing the IP to my gaming machine's IP and the assigned queue to the higher proirized gaming-queue is ignored. The default-, the p2p- and infrequently the ack-queue are the only working queues.
Some menu items at the status and diagnostics are disappearing sometimes. Once I tried playing around with the limiter in the traffic shaper but suddenly diagnostics -> limiter wasn't available anymore. I guess even some more menu items disappeared as the list was very short…
Would be great to get some feedback - especially regarding the second point of the agenda.
plex -
UDP nat reflection has never worked properly, not sure anyone has been able to track down exactly why.
The menu options disappearing might only happen if you installed a package that tried to includes its own menu header file improperly (or it used an out-of-date file). The limiters menu option should never go away, even if you don't have limiters enabled it should show up.
As I read your comment regarding the disappearing menu items I remembered, that I installed the widescreen-package some time ago. So I restored an older snapshot without that package and this problem was gone.
Concerning my traffic shaper issues I spent some more time with configuration yesterday. As far as I know I did not changed any options but suddenly it worked. After saving the configuration I tried to get the limiters running to define a minimum bandwith for my p2p-queue but had no success.The only remaining issue is up on the nat reflection. As resulting problems can be avoided by connecting the services via lan-ip directly I can live with that but for the final release it would be a nice to have feature…
Thank you for your reply.