SquidGuard: don't log safesearch redirect
Is it possible to log blocked sites, without logging safesearch redirect in SquidGuard (pfSense 2.0RC3)? I need to know if users try to access blocked sites, but logs are filled with all the Google search queries.
Actually, the only way I see would be to recreate by hand the safesearch list. Is there a simpler way?
Thank you,
Uncheck the Use SafeSearch engine in Services>Proxy Filter>Groups ACL.
If I uncheck that, it would not filter requests to search engines.
I finally manually copied all the rewrite rules for search engines into a new rewrite rule, but without checking the log option. It works like I wanted, now.
You mean you want to safesearch without logging? That's what you want?
It doesn't look like there is a GUI option to do that.
To do it manually it looks like you could hack it up by editing /usr/local/pkg/squidguard.inc and changing line 1230 where the log statement is hardcoded:
$res[F_LOG] = 'on';