Problems building 1.2.3 ISO
Hi, and thank you in advance for your help.
I have a FreeBSD, and I have used it to create a lot of PFSense ISOs. I didn't use it for a month or so, and tried yesterday to create an ISO as alway. When I execute, the process starts normally, until it gets to:
Fetching BSDInstaller using CVSUP…
The process has been on that step for the last 18 hours or so, without any error or timeout.
Anyone has any idea why is this happening?
Thank you again,
Diego Madiedo
Your tools repo is outdated, bsdinstaller doesn't come via cvsup anymore.
Make sure you checked out the tools from the github repo, and not from the old site.
??? ???
I also encountered the same problem! And ./ update the operating normally.And confirmed the tools directory of the file for the latest file
cat bsdinstaller-supfile
*default base=.
*default tag=PRODUCTION_2_1
*default release=cvs
*default delete use-rel-suffix
installerthere an error TAG?