[Share] Squid Guard untuk Internet Sehat
mantap om…
tambahan... prosedur install-nya di pfSense 2.0-RC3.
- fetch squid.inc dulu (fetch -o /usr/local/pkg/squid.inc http://www.pfsense.org/packages/config/squid/squid.inc)
- install squidGuard
- install lusca (http://code.google.com/p/pfsense-cacheboy/wiki/Pfsense_Lusca)
- install lightsquid (opsional)
untuk mallware bisa dilakukan dengan squidguard deny list mallware .. aman …deh. ;D
mohon ijin mau nambahin aja
apabila Package blacklist download diatas tidak bisa, cuba alternatif disini
;D ;D ;D -
perbedaan sama ini apa pakde ?
http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz -
perbedaan sama ini apa pakde ?
http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gzwow. . kalo mau tahu perbedaan spesifiknya..
silahkan tast test aja om.. ntar ketauan perbedaannya atau kesamaanya…
:) -
perbedaan sama ini apa pakde ?
http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gzwow. . kalo mau tahu perbedaan spesifiknya..
silahkan tast test aja om.. ntar ketauan perbedaannya atau kesamaanya…
:) -
perbedaannya cuma di file README dan COpy right
isinyaThese files are contributions for the squidguard software
http://www.squidguard.orgLicence :
These files are under creative commons :
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/Informations :
All informations are available on
http://cri.univ-tlse1.fr/blacklists/databases :
Main database :
blacklists.tar.gz is the compilation of all the databases described ahead.
adult.tar.gz is a list of adult sites. They are based on
- squidguard Robot
- external databases
- personnal additions
- external additions
thanks to
Cedric Foll
David Garroux du CARIP de Lyon
Deckert Florian net74@sopra.comFrancesco Mascaro
Hans Musil
Jago jago27@usa.netKris Carlier carlier.k@js.mil.beMark Bizzell bizzell@usq.edu.auMark Kool
Michel Roiron webmaster@cfa.frPhilippe Ferreira ferreira@atalante-acd.comRick Matthews
Rogério Pinheiro da Silva (Prodesan)
Sylvain Vincent sylvain.vincent@cfsa-aftec.comSymon Aked
Todd Sieland-PetersonLast version Tuesday 14 June 2011 with 950250 domains and 48933 urls : 4708 Kb.
agressif.tar.gz is a list of aggressive sites (xenophobe, ..)
audio-video.tar.gz audio and video sites
blog.tar.gz is a list of blogs
drogue.tar.gz is a list for drug
forums.tar.gz is a list of common public mail and chat
thanks to
Arnaud DA COSTA arnaud.da-costa@u-bourgogne.frgambling.tar.gz gambling
games.tar.gz internet games (flash, online games, ..)
thanks to
Yann Cézard (CRI - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour)hacking.tar.gz
liste_bu.tar.gz is designed to be used as a FRENCH whitelist for library
thanks to
Service de Documentation de l'Universite Toulouse 1
mobile-phone.tar.gz is a list a mobile dedicated sites
phishing.tar.gz is a list of phishing sites (came from surbl.org)
publicite.tar.gz is a list of banner and ad sites
thanks to
Jose Pires pires@nantaise-habitations.frradio.tar.gz is a small list of radio sites (to prevent radio listening)
redirector.tar.gz common redirector to bypass filtering
strict_redirector.tar.gz is a like the previous one with some useful, but "maybe dangerous" sites
(cached sites in google, images.google.fr, alltheweb.com and images, ...)
strong_redirector.tar.gz is a like the previous one with specific "expressions". It blocked only
some terms in a "google search".
tricheur.tar.gz is a database of site designed to cheat during exams
warez.tar.gz is a list of warez sites
webmail.tar.gz is a list of common webmail
OF COURSE, mistakes may exist. If you found some, send me a mail :
fabrice.prigent@univ-tlse1.frscripts (beta stage) :
blocked.src is an example of a blocking page (see also squidguard.cgi)
ajout_squidguard.sh is a script to merge databases
recherche_porno.pl these two scripts search "inappropriate urls" in a access.log
scripts.tar.gz all scripts in tar form
taille_categorie_squid.pl print percentage of somes categories/pires@nantaise-habitations.fr/arnaud.da-costa@u-bourgogne.fr/sylvain.vincent@cfsa-aftec.com/ferreira@atalante-acd.com/webmaster@cfa.fr/bizzell@usq.edu.au/carlier.k@js.mil.be/jago27@usa.net/net74@sopra.comhttp://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz
isinyaUsage of the Shalla Blacklists:
The Shalla Blacklists are property of Shalla Secure Services.
This collection of url lists may be used for free for non
commercial usage. This includes all kinds of private usage.
The lists must not be given to any third party.If you plan to use the lists in your company, please contact
to obtain our usage contract. You must sign this contract for
any commercial (i.e. non private) usage. There are no additional
Details about the licence agreement can be found on our website:
USING THE SHALLA LISTS THIS WAY IS NOT FREE!krg gt paham, tp pakai metode ini, situs yg sy suka buka, banyak di blok,,, :(…
owh… Kalo banyak situs yg terblok.. itu perrsoalan lain. :)
Hanya satu pepatah lama kalo mau internet sehat dan nyaman, lancar berinternet memang butuh ketelitian.
PfSense dan paket SQuid Guard dibuat oleh developer nya semudah klik 123. jadi klo gk jalan normal mungkin salah nge-klik nya.:)
btw saya juga masih neewbie. :)
:) -
bisa aja senior yg satu ini..
freshhh.. internet…kita yg menyediakan internet maka kita bertanggung jawab atas semua koneksi yg dikirimkan ke user..
koneksi xxx... > block
klo inet kita ga ada xxx mana bisa info2 xxx tau..
kasihan anak2 di perumahan sewaktu ga ada orang tuanya dia bisa buka (biasanya anak2 lebih pinter nyarinya dr org tuanya)lha klo terjadi apa2 –-
klo di warnet games sy block juga youtube.comnya
ga usah takut ga laku freshhhhh….
trimakasih pakde -
pakde .. tolong di kasih awalan ya .. tks :D