Networkport sometimes down?
I use 2.0-RC3 and sometimes my lan port is not reachable (not pingable). But If I connected via ssh all work how it should (the hole time I connected [testet 3days]. After disconnect ssh, sometimes lan port does not reacte to ping again [2 or 3 time in a hour]. My other (DMZ) port is the hole time reachable.
Can somebody give me a tip if it is a error in config or a issue with pfsense?
Sebastian -
Are you using different NIC from different vendors or different chipsets ?
perhaps you can change the one which makes problems with an other NIC for testing.Further you could play a little bit with settings under
sorry forget do wrote my hardware setup,
I've I think it is a hardware defekt, but why would it repair by an ssh session?
I will try if change port for lan to another will help.
Any tip which option under SYSTEM->ADVANCED has biggest effort for it? I've allready check it with another box all the same. One run 24/7 the other has this small issue …
If the hardware of both boxes is the same and the one is working and the other not it could only be a hardware problem of the box itself or perhaps a problem of the switch(port) or another client in the network.
I do not think it would be helpful to change some setting because you said it works on another box without problems.
perhaps a port capture could help you to find something out.
you are right no hardware problem no pfsense bug (puh).
is a problem with my bridge - sometime the 'switch think' the pf is on the other side :( but the bridge know it better.