Postfix - antispam and relay package
- next get those postfix files from github for 2.3.
- and copy them where they are belong
Can anybody tell how to do this? Get how and copy where?
Those are the files needed, for the manual install of the Postfix Package for pfSense 2.3.x
Download the attached, unzip and copy the files to your system root /.
Unlock the FreeBSD repo in
/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf > enabled: yes
/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/pfSense.conf > enabled: yes
- Install Postfix via pkg
pkg install postfix
- Next edit:
- and add Postfix to the Service Status and Menu:
<name>Postfix Forwarder</name>
<tooltiptext>Configure Postfix Forwarder</tooltiptext>
<name>Search Mail</name>
<tooltiptext>Search postfix logs</tooltiptext>
<name>Postfix Queue</name>
<tooltiptext>check postfix queue</tooltiptext>
</menu>**- Now cross your fingers and reboot! :P
Bismarck, you are my hero! And Marcello of course.
The installation is easy (for those knowing the howto) and everything seems to work like a charm.
I don't see any logs, though. Shouldn't there be a mail log in var/log ? -
I don't see any logs, though. Shouldn't there be a mail log in var/log ?
Did you enabled it in the Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog ?
And check /etc/syslog.conf there should be a line for it:
local7.* %/var/log/dhcpd.log
mail. /var/log/maillog*
.notice;kern.debug;;mail.crit;daemon.none;news.err;local0.none;local3.none;local4.none;local7.none;security.;;; %/var/log/system.log; |exec /usr/local/sbin/sshlockout_pf 15
*.emerg *
…Otherwise, everything will be logged in the system.log facility, which can be very noisy. :P
Should it not be "%/var/log/maillog"?
Should it not be "%/var/log/maillog"?
My syslog.conf:
root@pfsense:/root# cat /etc/syslog.conf
local4.* %/var/log/portalauth.log
local7.* %/var/log/dhcpd.log
mail.* /var/log/maillog
-cut-It's without "%"
The following message comes repeatedly from the pfSense Crash Reporter:
[20-Oct-2016 14:30:00 Europe/Berlin] PHP Stack trace:
[20-Oct-2016 14:30:00 Europe/Berlin] PHP 1. {main}() /usr/local/www/postfix.php:0
[20-Oct-2016 14:30:00 Europe/Berlin] PHP 2. grep_log() /usr/local/www/postfix.php:542
[20-Oct-2016 14:30:00 Europe/Berlin] PHP 3. create_db() /usr/local/www/postfix.php:208
[20-Oct-2016 14:40:00 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function sqlite_open() in /usr/local/www/postfix.php on line 476Is that something to be repaired or can I ignore this Messages?
Little Update…
postfix_about.php and postfix_view_config.php is working again.
But postfix_search.php and postfix_queue.php is still broken.
If someone have the skills to fix the javascript code, you are more then welcome! :P
Hi Bismarck,
I followed your guidance from #709 on the latest version of pfsense.
I wonder if the order of
<menu>and <service>in the config.xml does matter, because after the reboot I don't see the postfix-forwarder item in the menu.
You write to install postfix… but do we also need to install mailscanner?
Pls advice on how to get postfix forwarder working.
Kind regards,
Bob</service> </menu>
<menu>and <service>needs to be, where
<menu>and <service>items are in the config.xml, no special order just right section.
If you need MailScanner, you can install it but its not required to run Postfix, its just another layer for email security.</service> </menu></service> </menu>
Bismark, any hint to get mailscanner working as well?
Bismark, any hint to get mailscanner working as well?
Sure, there you go:
Thanks a lot man!
I appreciate your time -
it does not work for me. I have Provet so many times now I have abandoned.
Thansk :(
Sorry ReisBey, sadly there is no easy way to run Postfix on pfSense anymore. :'(
Hi! I don't see any logs too.
"Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog " enabled.
I create maillog file in Command Prompt (touch /var/log/maillog), and insert " mail.* /var/log/maillog " in syslog file and restart postfix.
But it did not solve my problemAny ideas?
Hi! I don't see any logs too.
"Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog " enabled.
I create maillog file in Command Prompt (touch /var/log/maillog), and insert " mail.* /var/log/maillog " in syslog file and restart postfix.
But it did not solve my problemAny ideas?
Sorry my fault, move from /etc/ to /etc/inc/ and reboot.
zip file and the howto updated
I don't see any logs, though. Shouldn't there be a mail log in var/log ?
Did you enabled it in the Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog ?
And check /etc/syslog.conf there should be a line for it:
local7.* %/var/log/dhcpd.log
mail. /var/log/maillog*
.notice;kern.debug;;mail.crit;daemon.none;news.err;local0.none;local3.none;local4.none;local7.none;security.;;; %/var/log/system.log; |exec /usr/local/sbin/sshlockout_pf 15
*.emerg *
…Otherwise, everything will be logged in the system.log facility, which can be very noisy. :P
I've tried to play with /etc/syslog.conf to make the mail log working again, but it's seem to be a bad idea.
This file is recreated after reboot and the previously added line disappear.So I added the line mail. /var/log/maillog* into the /etc/inc/ instead.
I add it after the line local7.* %/var/log/dhcpd.log
then reboot.Now the file /etc/syslog.conf have the correct line for logging and postfix is logging correctly to the maillog.
Thanks !
Hi everyone!
A special thanks to marcelloc for the work he done. it's awesome.
I try to configure postfix at pfsense 2.3.2 and can't solve the problem with recipients from AD. Filled all the fields at the gui, but nothing done. I try to receive recepients in SSH with the command```
/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/postfix_recipients.phpextracting from while binding:The wrong password was supplied or the SASL credentials could not be processed
There is no backup file for
Total ldap recipients:0 unique:0But I'm sure I wrote the password correctly. Can anybody help me with this problem?  
In Domain try: dc=testdoamin,dc=ru this is how its working in my setup.
And you could check AD login via Diagnostics > Authentication but you need setup a DC in System > User Manager > Authentication Servers first.
Good luck.