Will 2.0 upgrade break existing IPv6 install?
Hi everyone. I've been running the 2.0-RC1-IPv6 (i386) build from April since I installed my pfsense back then and it's been working great with the HE IPv6 tunnel. I'm interested in upgrading to the stable 2.0 release but I'm just wondering if the IPv6 will still work afterwards? Couldn't find any related topics so hoping someone can provide some suggestions/comments.
You will need to track the 2.1 branch to keep your ipv6 working. It just happened to be tagged 2.0 at the time. The 2.0 release branch does not have any ipv6 support.
Ahhh that explains the lack of threads about upgrading. :-[ I thought it was going to be included in 2.0 last I had read but it appears as if it's going to be in 2.1 instead. Thanks for the input.
It was never intended to be in 2.0, we just didn't tag it 2.1 as otherwise it would have created a very awkward situation.
The latest snaps from Jim at http://files.pfsense.org/jimp/ipv6/ are "stable" there are not as many changes in the 2.1 currently that break pfsense entirely, it's not diverged much yet. That will change soon though with the impending FreeBSD 9 merge.
so what will be the best way to get IPv6 in production:-
setup 1 firewall 2.0 for IPv4
setup 2nd firewall and use:
– 2.1... from http://files.pfsense.org/jimp/ipv6/
-- setup 2.0 and do some changes on the firmware-tab -
setup only 1 firewall and use files from link above
-- and regulary update from link above
Because ip4 and ip6 are entirely seperate you can operate entire carp clusters seperately.
There have been no binary changes since 2.0 was released so at this point you can still overlat the code with git sync.
We will be merging more ip6 changes soon that will require newer binaries. That means you will need to track the ipv6 images tree. It is always safe to gitsync to the ip6 tree on those images.