[SOLVED]IPv6 Routed /64 or /48
Hi guys,
I've finally using tunnel from He.net and happily surf www.kame.net and watch the dancing turtle. Now i'm back with more question and problem to solve as per below :
I'd like to use Routed /64 which is assigned to me on my account.
1. How am i going to do that?
2. Is there any pre-condition to met?
3. I don't know but is this Native?
4. Does my ISP needs to support this ?
5. Does this applies to Routed /48 too?
6. I'm on ADSL PPPoE dynamic IP, would this kind of connection gives impact on Routed /64 or Routed /48?I would humbly appreciate if anyone could clear this up. Thanks in advance.
Hi guys,
I've finally using tunnel from He.net and happily surf www.kame.net and watch the dancing turtle. Now i'm back with more question and problem to solve as per below :
I'd like to use Routed /64 which is assigned to me on my account.
1. How am i going to do that?
2. Is there any pre-condition to met?
3. I don't know but is this Native?
4. Does my ISP needs to support this ?
5. Does this applies to Routed /48 too?
6. I'm on ADSL PPPoE dynamic IP, would this kind of connection gives impact on Routed /64 or Routed /48?I would humbly appreciate if anyone could clear this up. Thanks in advance.
I've not set this up via pfSense as it's currently in Alpha as far as I can tell. I did set this up to have the the tunnel end point be on my Ubuntu server. I just passed Protocol 41 to the server. It's the allow IPv6 in IPv4 option under Advanced Networking. Need to check both Allow IPv6 and the tunnel thing.
Here is the post I made on ubuntu forums detailing how I did it.
Your ISP doesn't need to support IPv6, as your IPv6 packets are encapsulated into an IPv4 packet and sent on to the IPv4 server address at HE. Once HE get's the packet, they will de-encapsulate your IPv6 traffic and take it to the destination natively.
I set mine up using the /64 address as that is a huge amount of space. :) /48 is even bigger.
I'm on a Dyn IP as well from my DSL provider..
I created this and have it setup in Cron to run every hour or so. Haven't been able to figure out how to get it to run when my IP changes. Still messing with that.curl -k -s "https://ipv4.tunnelbroker.net/ipv4_end.php?ip=AUTO&pass= <no peeking="">&apikey=<no peeking="">&tid=<tunnel id="">" echo ""</tunnel></no></no>
Where apikey = user id in the control panel
and pass = your passwd hashed with md5
tid = tunnel id. -
If you already have the dancing turtle it works. If the address the website refers to is from the he.net routed 64 you are already using it.
The 48 just means more networks that you can use. Request it if you need it. Otherwise just leave it.
Thanks for replying trmentry & databeestje.
FYI, mine currently running pfsense 2.1-DEVELOPMENT and my client is Windows XP SP3 (IPv6 Enabled). Currently i'm using the guides on pfsense via this link http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Using_IPv6_on_2.0on how to get IPv6 running whereby i fill in the tunnel details as per following :
**IPv6 Tunnel EndpointThe HE or Sixxs "Server IPv4 address" goes into the "gif remote address"
The HE or Sixxs "Client IPv6 address" goes into the "gif tunnel local address"
The HE or Sixxs "Server IPv6 address" goes into the "gif tunnel remote address"**So i did and successfully surf IPv6 websites such as www.kame.net and test-ipv6.com. And now i'm wondering, it would be very nice if i could use the Routed IPv6 Prefixes /64 since i want to take advantage of the rDNS . What i can't figure at the time i'm writing this post is that
1. Do i need to create another gif interface? If so what shall i fill in there.
2. Since the Routed IPv6 Prefixes assigned to me just gives me as per belowRouted IPv6 Prefixes
Routed /64: 2001:470:36:bd::/64
Routed /48: 2001:470:ed02::/48I'm kinda lost on how to assigned it to my pfsense box and takes advantage of the rDNS (i figure the IPv6 Tunnel Endpoint doesn't allow rDNS when taking the certification test).
3. I've tried add another gif interface which is gif1 (aside from gif0 which is already up and running) using address 2001:470:36:bd:: /64 and i went to Status -> Gateway . From there i could see it's Online with green label, i don't know whether this is the correct way to do it and i would appreciate if anyone could clear this up.
If i'm using the IPv6 Tunnel Endpoint Address, i can surf to those websites without any hitch. On the other hand, i'd like to use and take advantage of the Routed IPv6 Prefixes . Please do excuse me since i'm still new on this and i'm trying to adapt as much information as i could on IPv6. It's been a great ride since i'm using IPv6!
Thanks for replying guys
Routed /64: 2001:470:36:bd::/64
Routed /48: 2001:470:ed02::/48Your /64 space is for 2001:470:36:bd:: only. Meaning You can have multiple IPs like 2001:470:36:bd:x
1, 2001:470:36:bd:x
2 ..etc
If you have multiple networks.. like multiple VLANs.. LAN, Video, VoIP.. etc, you can segregated the networks using the /48 network to create your own /64 network with the /48 space
LAN: 2001:470:ed02:1:xx:1/64
VoIP: 2001:470:ed02:2:xx:1/64
Video: 2001:470:ed02:3:xx:1/64
Notice its /64 as the Routed /48 can have multiple /64 subnets
/48 = 2001:470:ed02
/64 = 2001:470:ed02:1:xx:x
Makes sense?
Im confused
I'd like to use Routed /64 which is assigned to me on my account.
1. How am i going to do that?
Currently i'm using the guides on pfsense via this link http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Using_IPv6_on_2.0on how to get IPv6 running
If you followed the guide then your already using a routed /64 – since this is what the guide sets up.
Under the lan section of the guide
"You can setup the LAN interface for a combined static ipv4 and ipv6 network. What you need to enter on the LAN IPv6 address is a address in the "Routed /64" subnet that you got from HE. You will need to request another /64 from Sixxs after getting your tunnel working. It is important to note that the routed /64 range is different from the tunnel /64!"
The example below uses ::1 as that is the easiest by far. Anything in the routed subnet works.
Pardon me for making you confused on my problem. I'd try my best to explain in future regarding my problem, please do accept my sincere apologies.
Actually my assigned tunnel (not the Routed /64 or /48) address is 2001:470:35:bd::1 and ::2 (server and client address). Referring to my post #1, i can surf ipv6 websites using the 2001:470:35:bd::XXXX without any problem but i can't figure out how to use my 2001:470:36:bd: address nor the Routed /48 .
After fiddling much and head-banging on the desk, i've managed to figure it out as per outlined below :
1. Follow the guide using http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Using_IPv6_on_2.0
2. Stop at step no 7 http://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Using_IPv6_on_2.0#Setup_LAN_for_IPv6 . READ throughly and READ IT AGAIN. It says you need to get the Routed IPv6 /64 Address which is in my case is 2001:470:36:bd: NOT the 2001:470:35:bd: .Of course this is where i assign my LAN interface with 2001:470:35:bd and the whole DHCPv6 Server range to my client. It works, but not the expected result in the end. And also this is where my mistakes whereby i've misread the guide, pardon me again, my bad.
I hope my case can help somebody out there if they every stumble upon such thing. And also, i've managed to get my rDNS working and "bind it" to my domain name. So to the newbies, pfsense team has made a very comprehensive guide and it's a good one, do read it and this time if you ever come across any problem, read and read it again because somewhere along the lines lies the answer to your question.
Thank you pfsense team, dev and moderator! thanks to all especially databeestje, johnpoz, asterix and trmentry you guys rocks!