Packages support on embedded boards (cf), when?
I'm aware of the fact that there is no support for packages on embedded boards using CF media (ie. WRAP, Soekris and the like) due to the following 2 reasons:
- limited number of writecycles
- limited CPU power
However, there are pacakges that are suitable for these kind of platforms, and - most certainly - there will be a lot more in the future. Also there is the occational need to direct edit something on the CF and adding some packages from freebsd ports such as nano or something else that might be needed.
So, here are my 3 questions:
- Is there a time frame as to when package support will be added for embedded (cf) boards (aka. Beta 2, V 1.0, V 1.1)
- Is there a sufficent workaround today without the hack of installing the full version and replacing the kernel?
- Is there any way to manually enable/disable write access to the CF media via shell?
I would be greatful for any input
from the shell:
/etc/rc.conf_mount_rw - setting read/write
/etc/rc.conf_mount_ro - setting readonlyDon't expect packagesupport for suitable packages before 1.1 (and even for this release there is no final decision to have it).
There is no real workaround for replacing the kernel as devices like the wrap need a special kernel (no video, no keyboard). Also be aware that installing the full version will kill you cf-card after some time (depending on the installed package rather quick).
For your purpose a soekris with harddisksupport and a hdd might be more suitable atm.
- Is there a time frame as to when package support will be added for embedded (cf) boards (aka. Beta 2, V 1.0, V 1.1)
Not at this time. It will not be in 1.0.
- Is there a sufficent workaround today without the hack of installing the full version and replacing the kernel?
Supported work-arounds? No.
- Is there any way to manually enable/disable write access to the CF media via shell?
/etc/rc.conf_mount_rw && pkg_add -r nano
Thanks for the info.
Damn, you guys are fast. I went for a leak and grabbed a beer while returning and allready there were 2 answers!Ok, so here's what I'm reading in your answers:
- Embedded boards with CF
Stick with core and do manual stuff while enabling RW. Set to RO when done.
-Embedded boards with minidrives:
Install full version (might be a problem with keyboard/video)
Install packages that the HW can bear - Embedded boards with CF
yep ;D
There is no real workaround for replacing the kernel as devices like the wrap need a special kernel (no video, no keyboard).
For your purpose a soekris with harddisksupport and a hdd might be more suitable atm.
/..Come to think of it. I think I would to like to have this clarified –> Is it possible with the current build (beta 1) to install full version on an embedded board (WRAP, Soekris etc.) WITH either a minidisk or a more regular hdd WITHOUT keyboard/monitor? If not, will this alternative be added in future versions, and if so, when?
Soekris will run fine on the normal non-embedded build (although I don't recall if I ever had to enable serial console or not - technically serial is the head and I believe it "just worked"). WRAP won't, something about how it doesn't emulate VGA I think.
I need to do a consultation: in the version beta2 embedded for plates wrap loaded in a cf of 1 gb does squid work?, if it(he,she) is like that which is the version that I have to lower, her(it) beta2 embedded or her(it) beta1snapshot? thanks.
There is no support for packages on embedded builds and there won't be in 1.0. No decision for 1.1 yet but squid on a cf is a really bad idea as it will kill the card pretty soon (limited writecycles for cf-cards).
Thank you Hoba, now well, if I cannot use the squid with the plates wrap, probably serious better porner a tiny cf and puts the monowall that is an almost the same thing and to do proxy with the pc one below(down) of the tower, vos that you advise me? I need if or if to do proxy since I have a limited bandwidth 512kb for 25 users, graces(thanks) again(afresh). Pardon for my Englishman, but I use a translator online
You can continue using pfSense. The embedded build can run off from a 64mb CF-Card already and it has some features that m0n0 doesn't have. For example you could redirect all outgoing requests for port 80 to your proxy (that is one of the things m0n0 doesn't support for example), but as you want to run the proxy now at another machine, why not using that machine for your pfSense and install it to hdd? Then you would be able to use the squid package.
Ok then:
- Monowall in warp as(like) router/firwall in the tower
- Pfsense in pc only to use the squid in the switch
I have juste test pfsense on a Soekris NET4801 with a 256mb.
I have a professional grade CF card so I think it's like a hard drive ? (it's just ?).
In the future I will need to have some package like :
-AsteriskIt's possible to have this functionality in the future or I will need to make my own distribution.
I think that this 3 packages will not use a lot of disk write.Thanks for your help.
I have juste test pfsense on a Soekris NET4801 with a 256mb.
I have a professional grade CF card so I think it's like a hard drive ? (it's just ?).
In the future I will need to have some package like :
-AsteriskIt's possible to have this functionality in the future or I will need to make my own distribution.
I think that this 3 packages will not use a lot of disk write.Thanks for your help.
This isn't going to happen anytime soon. I'd love to have it too on my 4801, but I'm not willing to invest the time in making it work when there are so many other projects of more interest to me. Packages for embedded platforms will be disabled for 1.0 ship - past that is anyones guess. I can say that no current developer is working on enabling them, be our guest and work on it.
I have a professional grade CF card so I think it's like a hard drive ? (it's just ?).
No it is not. Professional grade CF Cards - I also like them, e.g. Transcend industrial types (real fast) - just have greater read/write cycles (about 10 times more than normal customer-grades I heard from Transcend). So they speak of about 1.000 times for a normal and about 10.000 times for an industrial grade card. Nontheless this is not like having some sort of IBM microdrive or a 2,5" notebook HDD.
For such purpose I would recommend the Soekris 4801 and a 2,5" HDD - works just fine.
For such purpose I would recommend the Soekris 4801 and a 2,5" HDD - works just fine.
Which reminds me, it's time to put my 6GB drive back in my soekris after doing an install to it on my laptop so I can play around with packages (poor poor box) :)