I have found by moving the rule after the allow rules the wireless clients work. But, that doesn't seem right does it?
I agree that it doesn't make sense. What happens to one should happen to the other. But, did you see what I said about moving the rule to the bottom?
I have found by moving the rule after the allow rules the wireless clients work. But, that doesn't seem right does it?
No it's not.
An outbound rule blocks access from any to pfblockerAlias.
If you have one rule that permits traffic, the deny rule will have no effect.
Maybe level3 list is blocking all your network and the pfsense keep-state for your machine gives you a false diagnostics.
Remove level3 list and see if it works.
HI everybody,
Version is out with all planned features coded. 8)
main changes:
Dashboard widget includes package hit on applied aliases (10 second update)
Change in rule description to allow widget package count
Update frequency implemented
Important note for custom rules
keep aliasname in the beggining of rule description and do not end description with 'rule'.
Once again, thank you for testing this amazing new tool for pfsense. ;)
Just reinstalled.
Strange things happens when you switch to Alias
Description: pfblockerWAN Inbound rule will disappear
Description: pfblockerWAN Inbound will persistStill showing 0 in the widget after 10 minutes
I've changed important note for better understanding.
Aliasname something rule will be removed by package.
To test rule packet count, block your own country While you are locally on your office/home.
A less risky test is:
define your own country action as alias only
create a rule that deny outbound icmp access on lan.
include description as described
apply rules
Open Dashboard
try to Ping someone on your country.
Still showing 0
I picked one host in the Diagnostics: Tables pfblocker table.
I can ping from LAN or pfsense no problem
Nothing is showed as blocked in the firewall logs !??rules are on WAN only
Reject and log * * * pfBlockerWAN * * none pfBlockerWAN Outbound Block and log * pfBlockerWAN * * * * none pfBlockerWAN Inbound
If you are testing from lan, the blocking rule must be on lan.
It's a statefull firewall. All rules are set where communication begins.
So I should have
on the LAN
Reject and log * * * pfBlockerWAN * * none pfBlockerWAN LAN - Outbound
on the
WAN Block and log * pfBlockerWAN * * * * none pfBlockerWAN WAN - InboundI see the widget Packet number changes ;o)
How do you block the pfsense box from accessing these aliases?
On floating rules, but it may not show in widget.
Floating rules are not impelmented in this version but you can apply pfBlocker alias on it.
I just created a rule on the Floating tab…. and the Packets blocked are updated in the widget ;D
However the rule
Reject and log * * * pfBlockerWAN * * none pfBlockerWAN Floating Outbound
disappeared in the Floating tab after a save in pfBlocker …..!!!
same thing with
pfBlockerWAN Floating
pf BlockerWAN Whateverbummer :(
As I told you, floating rules are not implemented but i'll try the same test here and see what happens.
ok, reinstalled on nanobsd and boot is much better. Got a new problem though: While the genaral and top spammers pages look good, I get the below instead of country lists for the others. Example below. Country.txt seems to load at install though, have also reinstalled package and rebooted - no change. Hence the drop down lists are missing.

The removed the lists :-[
I will point it to files.pfsense.[b]EDIT
Just did it.
wait 15 minutes and reinstall package.
Probably should not have users directly pull those lists anyhow, but keep them local and update them periodically. I have a feeling that too many people accessing their systems automatically may have been part of their decision to shut the service down.
Yeah, I'm doing it now.
Just released version with fixes in float rules check and about section in gui.
From Countryblocks site…
We have temporarily suspended certain services as our donation stream has suffered a significant decrease here in the fourth quarter. We are pursuing some other financing options to help us focus on providing you with our services. This temporary suspension may last a few hours or a few days. If you would like to help us expedite the process please consider making a donation to Country IP Blocks through the PayPal link (on their site)
If you can, please donate to Country IP Blocks
We need to support this site.