IPSec IP-Pool, DNS & WINS - push
Hi !
I would like to modify the IPSec-package a bit for new features I need at work: (and when it's ready, there will be a patch for all)
The client shall automatically get DNS and WINS assigned… and an IP would really be nice, too :-)I added some hardcoded text (just to test if it works) to vpn.inc to insert the following code avove sainfo anonymous in racoon.conf:
mode_cfg { network4; pool_size 20; netmask4; dns4; wins4; }
I already tried to change a few things, but all the time I get the following error in IPSec-Log:
"racoon not configured with –enable-hybrid"
Do I really need to use X.509 for pushing options !?
Does anyone know how to resolve this ?