Traffic Shaping wizard errors on reboot?
I just used the default traffic shaping wizard to create some basic rules. On reboot I have an "Alert" that is flashing on the web interface. It tells me what lines there are errors. Is there a place other than the scrolling alert window that I can see all the errors for troubleshooting?
These are some of the lines
altq on em2 hfsc queue { qLink, qInternet } queue qLink on em2 bandwidth 20% qlimit 500 hfsc ( ecn , default ) queue qInternet on em2 bandwidth 26214.4Kb hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 26214.4Kb , upperlimit 26214.4Kb ) { qACK, qP2P, qVoIP, qGames, qOthersHigh, qOthersLow } queue qACK on em2 bandwidth 19.976% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 19.976% ) queue qP2P on em2 bandwidth 4.994% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 4.994% , upperlimit 4.994% ) queue qVoIP on em2 bandwidth 32Kb hfsc ( ecn , realtime 1Kb ) queue qGames on em2 bandwidth 19.976% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 19.976% ) queue qOthersHigh on em2 bandwidth 9.988% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 9.988% ) queue qOthersLow on em2 bandwidth 4.994% hfsc ( ecn , linkshare 4.994% )