TinyDNS issue on 1.2.3-RELEASE
I posted earlier this year a topic about a TinyDNS status issue : http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,35998.msg185699.html#msg185699
It seems this topic was lock and I can't update it anymore.I received a reply in private message that I'd like to post here, it could help other people.
If ever an administrator would like to attach this to the original post, feel free to do it :)Here is the reply I received :
First edit this file:
Search for this text:
$tinydns_data = file_get_contents("/service/tinydns/root/data");
replace /service/tinydns/root/data with /var/run/service/tinydns/root/data
it should look like this:
$tinydns_data = file_get_contents("/var/run/service/tinydns/root/data");
elseThen, in the same file you should have a line like this:
if(stristr($tinydns_data, "+{$hostname}:{$row['monitorip']}"))
$inservice = "YES";
$inservice = "NO";
About the lines above I am not sure, since I didn't save what it was before. But, if you search for the word YES you should have 2 blocks. one with the if with if(stristr($tinydns_data, "+{$hostname}:{$ipaddress}"))
and the other with the if with I think: if(stristr($tinydns_data, "+{$hostname}:{$row['monitorip']}"))Modify it so that you read this:
if(stristr($tinydns_data, "+{$hostname}:{$row['failoverip']}"))
$inservice = "YES";
$inservice = "NO";Finally, there is a race condition when failovering the ip. There is one last modif to do in the file /usr/local/bin/ping_hosts.sh
You have a part that is like this;
if [ "$SERVICERESTOREDSCRIPT" != "" ]; then
echo "$DSTIP is UP, previous state was DOWN .. Running $SERVICERESTOREDSCRIPT"
echo "$DSTIP is UP, previous state was DOWN .. Running $SERVICERESTOREDSCRIPT" | logger -p daemon.info -i -t PingMonitor
fiModify it so that it looks like this:
if [ "$SERVICERESTOREDSCRIPT" != "" ]; then
echo "$DSTIP is UP, previous state was DOWN .. Running $SERVICERESTOREDSCRIPT"
echo "$DSTIP is UP, previous state was DOWN .. Running $SERVICERESTOREDSCRIPT" | logger -p daemon.info -i -t PingMonitor
echo "UP" > /var/db/pingstatus/$DSTIP
fiYou see the 3rd echo? You should also have it 2 or 3 lines below this block. Delete it and put it in the block.
Now we have to do the same when the service is down.
if [ "$FAILURESCRIPT" != "" ]; then
echo "$DSTIP is DOWN, previous state was UP .. Running $FAILURESCRIPT"
echo "$DSTIP is DOWN, previous state was UP .. Running $FAILURESCRIPT" | logger -p daemon.info -i -t PingMonitor
fiModify it to add the echo "DOWN" in the block and delete it 2 or 3 lines below.
if [ "$FAILURESCRIPT" != "" ]; then
echo "$DSTIP is DOWN, previous state was UP .. Running $FAILURESCRIPT"
echo "$DSTIP is DOWN, previous state was UP .. Running $FAILURESCRIPT" | logger -p daemon.info -i -t PingMonitor
echo "DOWN" > /var/db/pingstatus/$DSTIP
sh -c $FAILURESCRIPTI know it's not very clear. Let me know if it works better. Maybe you should backup your files before modifying it.
I sent that to this user.
Let me know if it's better for you. I did that under pfsense 2.0
I noticed also many things missing and needed to be improve. I will maybe send them once I worked on them.
Let us know if it's usefull for other or only me and this user were lucky to make it work.