Looking for a multi LAN and cheap hardware solution
Hello to everybody.
I have been using for some month a pfsense 2.0. To reduce the cost I'm looking for a multi LAN hardware solution (10 NIC is enough).
In the past I used the 1U Intel server with multi lan controller, but it is an expensive solution.
The other feature looked for, is an appropriated feature of CPU, for example Intel ATOM or similar. The best solution is a 1U server rackmount
I found the http://www.applianceshop.eu, but the nic isn't enough for my project and the CPU isn't appropriate.
Do you know the other solution?Any news or link is welcome.
best regard
Alex -
Dear Steve,
thanks for your idea, but in this case I don't have any switch supporting VLANs.
But in the Italian pfSense forum I found: www.firewallhardware.it and in paticular:
Do anybody know this appliance?by