Quagga (with CoreGUI)
I seen many topic requiring a quagga package in the past years. At now there is not a such package.
It is possibile to install quagga package from FreeBSD mainstream, and with a few changes in the startup script you could run quagga on pfSense (tested on embedded).Quagga is more stable then OpenOSPFd and OpenBGPd, and have more feature. So it would be useful to have the CoreGUI interface… such as this ;)
I'm working on this package… but I'm in need of work and money. Is there a bounty on quagga package?
I would be interested…
Looks very very good. When this is stable enough i promise to test it :). thumbs up.
I'm working on this package… but I'm in need of work and money. Is there a bounty on quagga package?
I think this package is already stable, lonewolf is asking for a bounty
If is there any work in progress on this package, I can help. -
Hi there,
This would be very usefull to us, as we've seen many issues with OpenOSPF too, can you let us know if this is still under dev or if you need any testing etc?
If this is actually complete and functional and not just blank tabs there that aren't being shown, I'd be willing to pay something for a fully functional Quagga package. If it's like a lot of initial package contributions and I have to dedicate several hours of someone's time to make it actually work right, then I'd just have someone write it from scratch.
lonewolf: can you send me the package for review? Email cmb at pfsense dot org
As CMB said, if this is working and ready to go, am also happy to donate something towards you time on this to get this package up and out there