Mailscanner + spamassassin + clamav package
There is a post from Jimp saying that there is problem on replication to production server.
The solution is just wait. :(
standing by..
g -
Its up again, try to upgrade the package and feedback ;)
Try to load the package and all I get is
Checking for package installation…
Downloading ... could not download from there or
of MailScanner-4.83.5 failed!Regards
Try to load the package and all I get is
Checking for package installation…
Downloading ... could not download from there or
of MailScanner-4.83.5 failed!Regards
Hi Andrew,
Can you try to browse this folder
I just reinstalled the package to test and it worked.
NO - tried IE & firefox
I'll check with my host provider and feedback
Unable to resolve on a dns lookup.
Unable to resolve on a dns lookup.
I've tried access this url from many random web proxies and all listed site content.
can you try changing you dns server to (google)?
I got the page to view
We run pfblocker on the firewall - disabled it and the page appears - I wonder which list your site is on?
Spoke too soon - yes I can see the page - but still unable to install the package - exact same fail message "unable to download"
Tried to download the package manually - Clamd rejected access to the page?
We run pfblocker on the firewall - disabled it and the page appears - I wonder which list your site is on?
The host is in Brazil, maybe you applied deny both on top spammers list.
Tring to put an exception for your site above the pfblock list - otherwise I might have to be less harsh on what is blocked!
The package now seems to be installed OK - time to start tuning!
I might have to be less harsh on what is blocked!
There are good guys on Brazil too ;)
You can change pfBlocker top spammers action to alias online and then block access only to port 25.
After a bit of playing it appears that everything is working - I say appears because whilst known good messages get passed and deliberate bad messages do not appear, I seem unable to get any report/log/message about what mailscanner is actually doing. What is it rejecting beyond my known, deliberately introduced spam. Looked at a few guides to mailscanner and finished up confused.
Is there a simple(!) "how to get activity reports out of mailscanner"
Thanks, but what I was after is why things are rejected and potentially review rejected/quarantined items for subsequent approval (or have I missed something in my setup?)
On this current version, you are able only to see amount of messages on quarantine.
status -> postfix queue
the mailscanner package use native sqlite2 databases while mailscanner use sqlite3 to store quarantine data.
There is a way to enable sqlite3 on mailscanner, but I'll need to rewrite a lot to update it to sqlite3 only.
Maybe next version I include a tab for quarantine.
Today I use only reject, attach or subject action for spam on my system.
If you really need this, you can make a donation to mailscanner package so I can write it for you.