Dyndns updater and source ip address
Hi all,
I am new pfsense user.
I was trying to configure the dyndns service on my router, but the only option for the source ip ( the one to report to dyndns servers ) seems to be either the ip address on the lan OR the one on the WAN.
I understand this is an enterprise distro ( and you should have a public ip addresses assigned onto your wan port ), but what if I need to check it throught a webpage becuase on the wan and ip ports I have private ip addresses?
On openwrt ( the one I used to use ) there was also an option to use the webpage http://checkip.dydns.org to check your current public ip address.Thanks
p.s. just for completeness: I found this discussion http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=3231.0 but this looks like a dirty fix.
In pfSense 2.0 if the monitored interface has a private IP address then the Dynamic DNS checking uses http://myip.dnsomatic.com determine the public IP address.
thanks so much, so shall I leave LAN without worring then.
You should probably set the Interface to monitor to WAN since that is probably the interface out which the access to http://myip.dnsomatic.com should be sent.
If your WAN IP address was public and changed it is the new address you would probably want to be registered with your dynamic DNS provider.